Staverton Parish Council Road Traffic Notice



Can we ask all road users along the lane by Staverton Playing Fields, particularly large tractors, trucks and trailers, to be mindful of cyclists, children and dogs and reduce their speed accordingly.

This is particular relevant at this time as we experience increased pedestrian traffic in our area.

This would be much appreciated by the Staverton Community.

Thank you in anticipation.

TRAYE Update and Annual Report

The Totnes Rural Area Youth Engagement project (TRAYE)  youth clubs are suspended for the time being, due to the COVID-19 virus, but they are up and running virtual youth clubs with trained staff and fun activities on Zoom. Contact Project Coordinator Kerry via email on to find out more.

Annual Report for 2019

The Totnes Rural Area Youth Engagement (TRAYE) project has now been running for over four years. It continues to be acclaimed as a highly successful project with a large group of regular attendees across the five areas it serves (Dartington, Marldon, Staverton, Rattery & Harbertonford), and has gone from strength to strength in popularity with young people and working on key topical issues that affect young people in today’s challenging world.

The project has had many highlights in 2019, including the 5 Squared Project, which was a resounding success and the Around the World Cookery Project,  which was something the young people really enjoyed.

Since it began, TRAYE has engaged with over 387 young people, with 2019 bringing an increase of 24% more young people attending sessions. They continue to provide Open Access community based youth work in five rural parishes and have now employed two new sessional workers, Laura Hamlyn and Joseph McCabe.

TRAYE has an active group of young volunteers who have become an important part of the sessions, helping to bring new ideas and support into their work.

Staverton and Landscove Youth Club sessions take place on a twice monthly basis, with sessions delivered in the Staverton Courtroom, Staverton Pavilion and Landscove Victory Hall. This enables TRAYE to reach more young people and offer a wider scope of activities and settings. Numbers have grown in this area with an average of around 13 young people at each session, with a peak of 20 young people at some sessions. 13 new young people have been engaged in the project in this area.

Given the rural setting of this Youth Club, this is a great achievement and one cannot underestimate the positive impact this will have on the ever present issue of youth loneliness and isolation. Once again, in line with the project’s yearly planning, activities such as Outdoor Education including nature walks, river swimming and outdoor ball games and picnics have been delivered. What is also really lovely to see is that the young people still choose (without prompting) to not use their phones or electronic devices during the sessions.

Read the full Annual Report below to get a full picture of the valuable work TRAYE continues to deliver and the opportunities for informal education and social learning it provides, to those young people living in rural areas, some often isolated.

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Staverton Parish Council has recently re-committed to granting the TRAYE project £1,000 of funding in 2020/21 to contribute to the running costs of this amazing project.