Welcome to the Parish Footpaths & Byways page.
There are 4.2 miles of public footpaths, 3.7 miles of bridleways and 5.5 miles of byways – together providing a total of 13.4 miles of paths and byways in the Parish for all to enjoy.
Download Parish Map showing Rights of Way
Published under public sector mapping agreement licence number 0100056883
These maps are designed for viewing on screen and are too big to be printed. If you do want to print a section of a map, just zoom in, take a screenshot and print that. On a Mac, you do this by holding down cmd+shift+4 – and then click & drag to draw a box with your mouse around the area on screen that you want to print – a screenshot file is created on your desktop. On Windows, there is normally a PrtScn button.
You will see that each path and way has a unique number beside it for identification – and paths, bridleways and byways are shown in different colours. If you find a problem with any path you walk that you think should be reported to the Parish Council, please email the details and path number to the Parish Council’s Footpaths Coordinator at the link below.
Each winter, usually in November and December, we survey every public footpath and byway in the parish as part of our Parish Paths Partnership agreement with Devon County Council. If you would like to know more about how you can help with this by walking a path with a survey form and noting its condition and any problems, then the Footpaths Coordinator will be happy to hear from you at the link below.
You may even like to go further and ‘adopt’ a footpath that you regularly walk and help keep it in good condition. Just carrying a pair of secateurs to clip round stiles, gates and signposts as you walk is an excellent way of helping to keep the paths in good condition. Please contact the Footpaths Coordinator at the link below if you would like to adopt a path.
Further information on parish paths please email the Parish Clerk clerk.stavertonpc@gmail.com
Happy walking!
Link to footpath survey report 2017 – click here
Thanks to Bruce Thorogood and Tom Lowry for this work