Staverton Parish Council budget and accompanying notes:
Financial Year 2024/25
Overall expenditure of £23,415 is indicated, which projects a 7.1% increase in budget on the previous year. As South Hams have now confirmed the tax base for 2024/25 we are able to advise the Council Tax increase incurred in respect of the Precept as follows: an average Band D council taxpayer will be paying £63.78 annually (an increase of £3.74 over the previous year’s contribution, equating to a 6.24% increase).
Financial Year 2023/24
Overall expenditure of £21,869 is indicated, which projects a 7% increase in budget on the previous year. As South Hams have now confirmed the tax base for 2023/24 we are able to advise the Council Tax increase incurred in respect of the Precept as follows: an average Band D council taxpayer will be paying £60.04 annually (an increase of £2.95 over the previous year’s contribution, equating to a 5.17% increase).
SPC Budget 2023-24Financial Year 2022/23
Overall expenditure of £20,434 is indicated, which projects a 7.4% increase on the previous year. As South Hams have now confirmed the tax base for 2022/23 we are able to advise the Council Tax increase incurred in respect of the Precept as follows: an average Band D council taxpayer will be paying £57.09 annually (an increase of £3.10, or 6p per week, on the previous year’s contribution).
The extent of the Parish’s financial support of TRAYE which provides a valuable service to young people within our Parish, was given much consideration in the budgetary process and it was decided to fund £2500 this year, a significant increase on previous years – any continuance in next year’s budget and beyond will very much depend upon the response of other local Parishes to the precedent that Staverton Parish have set.
SPC Budget 2022-23Financial Year 2021/22
Overall expenditure of £19,025 is indicated, which projects a 4% increase on the previous year. This is lower than the 7.3% increase in 2020/21. This means that a Band D council taxpayer will be paying £54 (an increase of £2.20 on the previous year’s contribution).
Aiming to contain the increase in Precept to a minimum, certain aspects will be part funded from Reserves in 2021/22. Other key changes include the enrolment into a pension scheme for the Clerk and a reduction in audit fees. More detail can be found in the minutes of the December PC Meeting under item 02.12.08 e).
South Hams have now set the tax base for 2021/22 and the Band D parish rate will be £54 (an increase of £2.20 per annum) in comparison to 2020/21.
Final Budget 2021-22Financial Year 2020/21
Overall expenditure of £18,288 is indicated, which projects a 7.3% increase on the previous year. This is lower than the 11.8% increase in 2019/20.
What this means is that a Band D council taxpayer will be paying £51.80 (increase of £3.50 on last year).
Key reasons for this year’s 7.3% increase are:
- Increased contribution from the Parish Council to the Court Room & Playing Fields insurance; Council this year to cover 100%.
- The increase in Clerk’s hours, which has been effective from May 2019.
- Increase in Auditor Fees (spending now in higher fee bracket due to grants received etc).
Fin Year 2019/20
[gview file=””]Fin Year 2018/19
[gview file=””]Financial Year 2016/17
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