Can you help us test our new WEB FORMS?
As part of a drive to continually improve access to our services we are introducing new pages and new forms on our website. These forms are designed to make it easy for customers to report issues and request council services at any time of day or night.
Our online forms take you step by step through your enquiry, ensuring that we have enough information to action your request. This could be to report a problem like dog-fouling or a fly-tip in your local area. Alternatively, you might have a question about your waste collection or next Council Tax payment.
The problem is that we know how these forms should work, and what we expect to happen, but we need to know that they easy for our customers to use. Therefore we need people like you and your friends and family, who may not have the knowledge of our services and systems to try them out.
We are looking for a range of people to test these forms and point out anything that might be a problem. This could be computer literate people, and not so computer literate people, older people and younger people and everybody in between.
If you are happy to help us, we will give you some hyperlinks, so that you can do this in the comfort of your own home, on whatever device you prefer; computer, tablet, or smartphone. We would ask you to follow the links and fill in the forms as if you were a customer and then to tell us:
· Did the form wording make sense?
· Was it clear what you had to do or answer?
· Were you able to move around in the form, forward and back?
· Would you have access to all the information asked for (if you were filling it in for real)?
· Did it feel a chore or did it feel an acceptable length?
If you are interested in helping us please email:
Lesley Crocker l Lead Specialist Communications and Media
South Hams District Council l West Devon Borough Council
Tel: 01803 861321 / 07966773398