Grant Application Form – Riverford Organics Parish Donation
The Parish Council are in receipt of the 2nd donation of £1,000 from Riverford Organics, which is being held on behalf of the Parish. As £100 remained unallocated from the previous year, there is now a sum of £1,100 available and Community groups in the Parish are now invited to come forward with appropriate green/ecological initiatives which might benefit from this fund.
Deadline for form to be with the Parish Clerk:
Friday 26th August 2022
- Group/Organisation Details
Group/Organisation Name:
Charity Registration No. (if applicable):
- Main Contact (for this application)
Position in Organisation:
Email address:
- Brief Outline of Project/Initiative:
Please include details of each of the following, as applicable:
Project location; key aims; expected outcomes; lasting impact; groups/sections of the community your project will benefit and any previous experience of delivering successful projects.
- Project Timescale/Estimated Start Date/Estimated Completion Date:
- Evidence of Need
Please explain the problems, issues or needs your project aims to address.
- Grant Sought
This grant: £
Total project cost: £
(Note – VAT that you cannot reclaim can be included)
- Other Funding Sources
Please list other funding sources, including the amount and whether funding is secured or pending.
- Signature
Signed: Date:
Please send your completed application form to:
Karen Smith
Staverton Parish Council Clerk
1 James Close