The latest news on local supplies and support has just been emailed to subscribers of the parish email list. Here it is…
Here’s our weekly update on services and support available…
We now have a comprehensive list of all the support, click-and-collect and delivery services available to parishioners on the parish website at this link. The list will be updated weekly.
There are only a few changes to the services on offer this week:
Debbie Thorpe is collecting orders to place another combined fish order with David Walker & Son for delivery next week. She will email everyone who’s ordered or contacted her before. If anyone else wants to join in please email her on
Challices (fruit, veg and dairy) are now delivering 5 days a week Monday – Friday (but not Saturday as previously stated).
It is worth noting that Greenlife’s phone ordering process takes time. When you call their dedicated order number a message asks you to leave your name and number and they will call you back. The call back delay for one of our team was 1.5 hours this morning (having given up waiting yesterday), so it pays to get your call in as soon as their line opens at 9am and be prepared to wait in.
An additional delivery service added to the list this week is Dartmoor Chilli Farm who will deliver to the parish – by bicycle! See
Longcombe Garden Centre are offering free delivery in the Totnes area which includes Staverton. To see what’s available and order go to:
Fermoy’s are also offering a delivery service. We understand the service is good although your order may take up to 10 days to arrive. To order click here.
Interline Builders Merchants in Totnes are now open with a click-and-collect service for account holders only. Deliveries will start next week. Call them on 865305 to order and they will call back when the order is ready to collect.
On to other matters…
Totnes Rotary Club have written to tell us:
Totnes Rotary Club are supporting King Edward VI Community College by funding two additional 3D printers and the raw materials to make about 300 safety visors.
Over 100 have already been distributed to Leatside Surgery, the Totnes Ambulance team, Totnes Hospital, health care professionals and to Care and Respite Homes. Also, to emergency and care workers in Totnes and South Hams. With further funding Totnes Rotary will be able to produce more pieces of this essential kit and also distribute monies locally where needed.
Cold storage boxes
During this emergency, Rotary is also supporting Food In The Community by buying Cold Storage Boxes used for transporting meals in the locality.
“Our website lists our many projects and fund raising events. It also has a donation button. Have you considered joining us? You would be most welcome”
My friend Dawn Brewer (Designer & Seamstress Extraordinaire!) of Broadhempston has gathered together a sewing group to make much-needed scrubs for Torbay hospital workers, GP Surgeries and Care Homes. They are aiming to make 500. She has now purchased a bale of the special fabric and the necessary patterns and they are hoping to get under way this week.
The sewing group is giving their time and it is hoped to donate all the scrubs to the various organisations – so I am asking if you would consider sending a small financial contribution to cover the materials. Donations can be made by bacs to:
C M Loverock – Scrubs for Carers, Sort Code:77-68-62, A/c: 01378160
or contact Cheryl on 01803-762677 for more information.
Many thanks from Cheryl in anticipation!
As before, the people to contact in the parish if you need any information or help are:
Michael and Cheryl Loverock
Tel: 01803-762677
To sign off this week we have two footnotes – a poem and some virtual music.
The poem, by Pam Ayres, is very topical and funny (especially if you are a girl of the 60’s) – you can read it here.
The music is the Milwaukee Symphony (Virtual) Orchestra playing Elgar’s Nimrod here.
Keep well!
Staverton Emergencies Coordination Team
Don’t forget website has now introduced a chat forum. An example of a post…
“Look up to see SpaceX’s Starlink satellites this evening around 9:33. Best to look from 9:25 until 9:40. They will take 6 mins to pass, travelling west to east, starting at 10 degree elevation from the west horizon rising to 60 degrees elevation and dropping to 10 degrees at the east horizon.”
Once registered, you can chat away! Click here and join in!